Some kids never experience events that trigger their imaginations and inspire hope for the future. The ShowKidz program aims to change that by giving complimentary tickets to organizations whose mission is to provide services for vulnerable youth in our community.

Funding for ShowKidz is provided by generous donors and patrons. Special thanks to IATSE Local 93, Spokane's professional stagehands' union, for their ongoing sponsorship of this life-changing program!


Lewis & Clark High School attending School of Rock. Photo by Richard Maguire.

Program Guidelines

  1. All applications for ShowKidz are kept on file for three years.
  2. The number of tickets provided for each production is dependent on the amount of funding available.
  3. Groups receiving ShowKidz tickets will be contacted via phone approximately two weeks prior to the performance, and must accept the tickets within two business days.
  4. All children selected to attend a performance must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.

Apply Now

If your organization works with at-risk youth, please submit the form below to be considered for the ShowKidz program. Email with questions.